Thematic analysis data of Murray Darling basin Research in Australia (1912-2012)
Thematic analysis data of Murray Darling basin Research in Australia (1912-2012)

International literature on murray-darling river basin research is collected from SCI - E and SSCI citation databases in web of science database.Using Murray - the darling river basin related name, the name of the wetland, lake, river, name of the dam or reservoir, and Murray darling river flows through the administrative areas of name give priority to inscription for retrieval, and use the language (English) and the types of literature (articles), and Murray - the darling river basin water resources research related research direction selection, finally get the document of 1912-2012.

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File name: the data is stored in doc format. The file name is "Murray darling river basin study, Australia - submission of report 20141227. Doc"</p><p>Data reading: Office and other Office software can be opened to read

Data Citations
Cite as:

Zhang, Z. (2015). < b>Thematic analysis data of Murray Darling basin Research in Australia (1912-2012)</b>2015. doi: 10.3972/heihe.013.2015.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • Temporal resolution: Yearly
  • Format: doc
  • File size: 0.3 MB
  • Browse count:11115
  • Temporal coverage:1912-01-14 To 2013-01-13
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

Resource Provider: ZHANG Zhiqiang  
