The monitoring data of soil and groundwater temperature in Hulugou Watershed from 2016 May to 2016 September
The monitoring data of soil and groundwater temperature in Hulugou Watershed from 2016 May to 2016 September

The data includes the county-level data of characteristic agriculture distribution in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, which lays the foundation for the spatial distribution and development of characteristic agriculture in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

Copyright & License

1. Name of Data</p><p> High_Asia_glacial_lake_1990.Shp</p><p> High_Asia_glacial_lake_2018.shp</p><p>2. Data description of attribute items </p><p> GLAKE_ID: The coding of glacial Lake</p><p> GL_Image: Information of source image</p><p> GL_Type: The type of glacial Lake</p><p> GL_SubR: The Sbu-region of glacial Lake in the HMA </p><p> GL_Time: The acquisition date of the original Landsat image</p><p> GL_Elev: The average elevation of glacial lake (m)</p><p> GL_Area: The area of glacial lake (m2)</p><p> GL_Peri: The Perimeter of glacial lake (m)</p><p> GL_A_Error: The error of glacial lake area (m2)</p><p> GL_Long: The longitude of center point of the glacial lakes (°)</p><p> GL_Lati: The latitude of center point of the glacial lakes (°)

Data Citations
Cite as:

Ma, R., Hu, Y. (2017). < b>The monitoring data of soil and groundwater temperature in Hulugou Watershed from 2016 May to 2016 September</b>2017. doi: 10.11888/Hydro.tpdc.270601. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • Format: EXCEL
  • File size: 0.25 MB
  • Browse count:9877
  • Temporal coverage:2016-05-30 To 2016-10-01
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

Resource Provider: MA Rui    HU Yalu  
