Simulated forcing dataset of 3km/6hour in Heihe River basin (1980-2010)
Simulated forcing dataset of 3km/6hour in Heihe River basin (1980-2010)

These processes include the biosphere - atmosphere transmission solutions, using FC80 closed Grell cumulus parameterization scheme, MRF planetary boundary condition and modify the CCM3 radiation, such as the heihe river basin observation and remote sensing data of important parameters in the model for second rate, and USES the heihe river basin vegetation data list data of land use in 2000 and the heihe river basin in 30 SEC DEM data, building up suitable for the study of heihe river basin ecological - hydrological processes of the regional climate model.

Spatial scope: the grid center of the simulation area is located at (40.30n, 99.50e), the horizontal resolution is 3 km, and the number of simulated grid points in the model is 161 (meridional) X 201 (zonal).

Projection: LAMBERT conformal projection, two standard latitudes of 30N and 60N.

Time range: from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2010, with an interval of 6 hours

Description of file contents: monthly storage by grads without format.Except the maximum and minimum temperature as the daily scale, the other variables are all 6-hour data.

MATLAB can be used to read, visible tmax_erain_xiong_heihe.m file description.

Data description of heihe river basin:

1) Anemometer west wind (m/s) abbreviation usurf

2) Anemometer south wind(m/s), abbreviation vsurf

College 3) Anemometer temperature (degK) abbreviation tsurf

College 4) maximal temperature (degK) abbreviation tmax

5) minimal temperature (deg K) abbreviated tmin

6) college Anemom specific humidity (g/kg) abbreviation qsurf

7) value (mm/hr) abbreviation precip

8) Accumulated evaporation (mm/hr) abbreviation evap

9) Accumulated sensible heat (watts/m**2/hr) abbreviation sensible

10) Accumulated net infrared radiation (watts/m * * 2 / hr) abbreviation netrad

Definition file name:

Abbreviation-erain-xiong. YTD

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Description of file contents: monthly storage by grads without format.Except the maximum and minimum temperature as the daily scale, the other variables are all 6-hour data.</p><p>File name:</p><p>1) Anemometer west wind (m/s) abbreviation usurf </p><p>2) Anemometer south wind(m/s), abbreviation vsurf </p><p>College 3) Anemometer temperature (degK) abbreviation tsurf</p><p>College 4) maximal temperature (degK) abbreviation tmax</p><p>5) minimal temperature (deg K) abbreviated tmin</p><p>6) college Anemom specific humidity (g/kg) abbreviation qsurf </p><p>7) value (mm/hr) abbreviation precip</p><p>8) Accumulated evaporation (mm/hr) abbreviation evap</p><p>9) Accumulated sensible heat (watts/m**2/hr) abbreviation sensible</p><p>10) Accumulated net infrared radiation (watts/m * * 2 / hr) abbreviation netrad</p><p>Definition file name:</p><p>Abbreviation-erain-xiong. YTD, for example, precip-erain-xiong.198001, For the simulated 6-hour precipitation in January 1980 driven by ERAINTERM.</p><p>Data reading: MATLAB can be used to read, visible tmax_erain_xiong_heihe.m file description.

Data Citations
Related Literatures:

1. Xiong, Z, Yan, X.D. (2013). Building a high-resolution regional climate model for the Heihe River Basin and simulating precipitation over this region. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(036), 4670-4678. doi:10.116/s11434-013-5971-3.(View Details)

Cite as:

Xiong, Z. (2015). < b>Simulated forcing dataset of 3km/6hour in Heihe River basin (1980-2010)</b>2015. doi: 10.3972/heihe.103.2014.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Xiong Zhe, Fu Congbin, Yan Xiaodong, 2009: Regional integrated environmental model system and its simulation of East Asia summer monsoon. Chinese Sci. Bull.,54(22),4253-4261.doi:10.107/s11434-009-0669-2. (View Details )

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