Monthly evapotranspiration dataset with 30m spatial resolution over oasis in the middle reaches and 1 km spatial resolution over the Heihe River Basin (2014)
Monthly evapotranspiration dataset with 30m spatial resolution over oasis in the middle reaches and 1 km spatial resolution over the Heihe River Basin (2014)

Using ETWatch model with the system complete the heihe river basin scale 1 km resolution 2014 surface evaporation data with middle oasis 30 meters resolution on scale data set, the surface evaporation raster image data of the data sets, it is the time resolution of scale from month to month, the spatial resolution of 1 km scale (covering the whole basin) and 30 meters scale (middle oasis area), the unit is mm.Data types include monthly, quarterly, and annual data.

The projection information of the data is as follows:

Albers equal-area cone projection,

Central longitude: 110 degrees,

First secant: 25 degrees,

Second secant: 47 degrees,

Coordinates by west: 4000000 meter.

File naming rules are as follows:

1) 1 km resolution remote sensing data set

Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-1km_2014m01_eta.tif

Heihe refers to heihe river basin, 1km means the resolution is 1km, 2014 means the year of 2014, m01 means the month of January, eta means the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif means the data is tif format.

Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-1km_2014s01_eta.tif

Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, s01 represents the period from January to march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-1km_2014y_eta.tif

Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

2) remote sensing data set with a resolution of 30 meters

Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014m01_eta.tif

Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, m01 represents January, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014s01_eta.tif

Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, s01 represents january-march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014y_eta.tif

Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.

Copyright & License

File naming rules are as follows:</p><p>1) 1 km resolution remote sensing data set</p><p>Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-1km_2014m01_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe refers to heihe river basin, 1km means the resolution is 1km, 2014 means the year of 2014, m01 means the month of January, eta means the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif means the data is tif format.</p><p>Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-1km_2014s01_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, s01 represents the period from January to march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.</p><p>Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-1km_2014y_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe represents the heihe river basin, 1km represents the resolution of 1km, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.</p><p>2) remote sensing data set with a resolution of 30 meters</p><p>Monthly cumulative ET value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014m01_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, m01 represents January, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.</p><p>Name of quarterly cumulative ET value file: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014s01_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents 2014, s01 represents january-march, and the first quarter, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.</p><p>Annual cumulative value file name: heihe-midoasa-30m_2014y_eta.tif</p><p>Heihe represents the heihe river basin, midoasis represents the mid-range oasis area, 30m represents the resolution of 30 meters, 2014 represents the year of 2014, y represents the year, eta represents the actual evapotranspiration data, and tif represents the data in tif format.、</p><p>Data reading: ENVI, Arcgis and other remote sensing software can be used to open and read.

Data Citations
Cite as:

Wu, B. (2017). < b>Monthly evapotranspiration dataset with 30m spatial resolution over oasis in the middle reaches and 1 km spatial resolution over the Heihe River Basin (2014)</b>2017. doi: 10.3972/heihe.0040.2016.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

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To respect the intellectual property rights, protect the rights of data authors, expand services of the data center, and evaluate the application potential of data, data users should clearly indicate the source of the data and the author of the data in the research results generated by using the data (including published papers, articles, data products, and unpublished research reports, data products and other results). For re-posting (second or multiple releases) data, the author must also indicate the source of the original data.

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  • Temporal resolution: Monthly
  • Spatial resolution: 1km - 10km
  • Format: TIFF
  • File size: 557.0 MB
  • Browse count:12251
  • Temporal coverage:2014-01-17 To 2015-01-16
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

Resource Provider: WU Bingfang  
