The data of field investigation and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationship (2013)
The data of field investigation and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationship (2013)

The dataset investigated the growth status of plants and leaf morphological indexes of single and conjoined red sand and pearl in the middle and lower reaches of heihe river basin in 2013.

The growth indexes were crown width, plant height, and biomass of fine roots and thick roots.Leaf shape indicators are: length, width, thickness, and leaf area, volume, etc.The experimental observation indexes are: leaf nitrogen content, water potential, gas exchange data, chlorophyll fluorescence data.

Data include: field observation data and explanatory documents.

Copyright & License

File name: data are stored in tabular and textual forms, file name: "2013- field survey and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationships. xls";"2013- field investigation and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationships. doc";"2013- anatomic structure of photosynthetic organs in desert plants as an indicator of water use efficiency.pdf".</p><p>Data reading: Office, Wps and other Office software can be opened to read.

Data Citations
Cite as:

Su, P. (2014). < b>The data of field investigation and experimental observations of intraspecific and interspecific relationship (2013)</b>2014. doi: 10.3972/heihe.215.2013.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Su, P.X., Yan, Q.D., Xie, T.T., Zhou,Z.J., & Gao, S. (2012). Associated growth of C3 and C4 desert plants helps the C3 species at the cost of the C4 species. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 34(6), 2057-2068. (View Details )

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Water use efficiency and related regulation mechanisms of desert vegetation in different scales

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  • Format: EXCEL
  • File size: 3.7 MB
  • Browse count:12049
  • Temporal coverage:2018-11-24 To 2018-11-24
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

Resource Provider: SU Peixi  
