Measurement data of horizontal gas exchange of photosynthetic organs of desert plants in different habitats in Heihe River basin (2013)
Measurement data of horizontal gas exchange of photosynthetic organs of desert plants in different habitats in Heihe River basin (2013)

As determined in mid-august 2013, planting species: bubbly spines (different habitats are mid-range intermountain lowland and gobi), red sand (different habitats are mid-range gobi and downstream gobi).

Using the brother company of LI - 6400 Portable Photosynthesis System (Portable Photosynthesis System, LI - COR, USA) and LI - 3100 leaf area meter, etc., to the desert plant photosynthetic physiological characteristics were observed.

The symbolic meaning of the observed data is as follows:

Obs,observation frequency ; Photo ,net photosynthetic rate,μmol CO2•m–2•s–1;

Cond stomatal conductance,mol H2O•m–2•s–1 ; Ci, Intercellular CO2 concentration, μmol CO2•mol-1;

Trmmol,transpiration rate,mmol H2O•m–2•s–1; Vpdl,Vapor pressure deficit,kPa;

Area,leaf area,cm2; Tair,free air temperature ,℃;

Tleaf,Leaf temperature,℃; CO2R,Reference chamber CO2 concentration,μmol CO2•mol-1;

CO2S,Sample chamber CO2 concentration,μmol CO2•mol-1; H2OR,Reference chamber moisture,mmol H2O•mol-1;

H2OS,Sample chamber moisture,mmol H2O•mol-1; PARo,photon flux density,μmol•m–2•s–1;

RH-R,Reference room air relative humidity,%; RH-S,Relative humidity of air in sample room,%;

PARi,Photosynthetic effective radiation,μmol•m–2•s–1; Press,barometric pressure,kPa;

Others are the state parameters of the instrument at the time of measurement.

Copyright & License

File name: data are stored in table XLS in doc format. File names: "2013- measurement data of horizontal gas exchange between photosynthetic organs of desert plants in different habitats. XLS", "2013- measurement data of horizontal gas exchange between photosynthetic organs of desert plants in different habitats. Doc".</p><p>Data reading: it can be read by Office, Wps and other Office software.

Data Citations
Cite as:

Su, P. (2014). < b>Measurement data of horizontal gas exchange of photosynthetic organs of desert plants in different habitats in Heihe River basin (2013)</b>2014. doi: 10.3972/heihe.201.2013.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

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  • Temporal resolution: Yearly
  • Format: EXCEL
  • File size: 0.18 MB
  • Browse count:7907
  • Temporal coverage:2013-08-23 To 2014-01-08
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

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