Landuse/landcover dataset of the Heihe river basin (1980s)
Landuse/landcover dataset of the Heihe river basin (1980s)

The data was directly clipped from China's 1:100,000 land-use data.China 1:100000 data of land use is a major application in the Chinese Academy of Sciences "five-year" project "the national resources and environment remote sensing macroscopic investigation and study of dynamic organized 19 Chinese Academy of Sciences institute of remote sensing science and technology team, by means of satellite remote sensing, in three years based on Landsat MSS, TM and ETM remote sensing data established China 1:100000 images and vector of land use database.A hierarchical land cover classification system was adopted for the land use data of heihe basin of 1:100,000, and the whole basin was divided into 6 primary categories (arable land, forest land, grassland, water area, urban and rural areas, industrial and mining areas, residential land and unused land) and 26 secondary categories.The data type is vector polygon, which is stored in Shape format.There are two types of data projection: WGS84/ALBERS;Data coverage covers the new heihe watershed boundary (lack of outer Mongolia data).

Copyright & License

File name: data is stored in vector SHP format, file name "heihe_landuse_1980s.shp".</p><p>Data reading: Arcgis, Qgis and other software can be used to open the reading, Arcgis open, directly read the SHP file, to graphical expression.

Data Citations
Cite as:

Liu, J., Wang, J. (2014). < b>Landuse/landcover dataset of the Heihe river basin (1980s)</b>2014. doi: 10.3972/heihe.021.2013.db. (Download the reference: RIS | Bibtex )

Using this data, the data citation is required to be referenced and the related literatures are suggested to be cited.

References literature

1.Li Xin, Cheng Guodong, Wu Lizong. Digital Heihe River Basin. 1 : An Information Infrastructure for the Watershed Science. Advances in Earth Science, 2010, 25(3): 297-305. (View Details )

2.Liu, J.Y., Liu, M.L., Zhuang, D.F., Zhang, Z.X., & Deng, X.Z. (2003). Study on spatial pattern of land-use change in China during 1995—2000, Science in China (D), 46(4), 373-384. (View Details |Download)

3.Liu, J.Y, Liu,M.L, Deng, X.Z, Zhuang D.F, Zhang Z.X, Luo,D. (2002). The land use and land cover change database and its relative studies in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 12(3):275-282. (View Details )

4.LI Xin, WU Lizong, MA Mingguo, GE Yingchun, RAN Youhua, WANG Liangxu, NAN Zhuotong ( Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China) (View Details )

5.Li, X., Nan, Z.T., Cheng, G.D., Ding, Y.J., Wu, L.Z., Wang, L.X., Wang, J., Ran, Y.H., Li, H.X., Pan, X.D., & Zhu, Z.M. (2011). Toward an improved data stewardship and service for environmental and ecological science data in west China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 4(4): 347-359. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2011.558123. (View Details |Download)

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  • Temporal resolution: Yearly
  • Spatial resolution: 10m - 100m
  • Format: shp
  • File size: 240.14 MB
  • Browse count:14072
  • Temporal coverage:1990-05-15 To 1990-07-22
  • Access: Offline
  • Updated time:2021-04-19

Resource Provider: LIU Jiyuan   WANG Jianhua  
